Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Class Schedule Revision

Somehow I added two days to our class!  I didn't do this in any other of my classes(!).  To fix this, I've re-arranged the schedule slightly.  Basically, I removed the article I planned to have you read on the 29th, and will use that day to do Gothic Storytelling (only one day instead of two, sadly).  However, the articles in the back of your Bedford book will return to haunt you on the Final Exam, which I will discuss in class on Thursday, so be sure you have that edition (if not, we can make arrangements to photocopy for you--but you must tell me before hand).

ALSO: The Creative Paper is due on the last day of class (the 29th); however, if you would like a chance to discuss your story on the last day of class, please submit it earlier, by the 22nd.  I will read through these stories and chose the most "Gothic" ones to read in class on the 29th (we'll probably be limited to 4 at most, depending on length). 

The new schedule:

T 13 Stoker, Dracula (26-81)
R 15 Stoker, Dracula (81-134) (Paper #2 due on FRIDAY)

T 20 Stoker, Dracula (135-203)
R 22 Stoker, Dracula (204-270)

T 27 Stoker, Dracula (270-330)
R 29 Gothic Storytelling

FINAL EXAM WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 3:00-6:00 pm

1 comment:

  1. ALSO: The Creative Paper is due on the last day of class (the 29th); however, if you would like a chance to discuss your story on the last day of class, please submit it earlier, by the 22nd. I will read through these stories and chose the most "Gothic" ones to read in class on the 29th (we'll probably be limited to 4 at most, depending on length).
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